Welcome to Titania Delivery

1 Introduction to Titania Delivery

Titania Delivery is a content delivery system. Its purpose is to deliver completed publications to different audiences simply, quickly, and easily.

Titania Delivery enables Organizations to simplify content delivery by providing a secure, hosted content Portal of approved content topics and pre-built publications. With automated uploads of approved content, you can ensure your customers always have access to the most up-to-date information from any computer or smart device. In addition, the self-service content Portal allows your customers to search for content topics and pre-built publications, assemble collections of information, and publish on-demand individual topics or collections to create personalized publications.

Titania Delivery is a cloud based solution. This means there is no software to install and no system maintenance required. In addition, the Titania Delivery Portal application has several advanced features, which includes content assembly. This enables customers to build their own custom publications using the topics available through their portal. Another feature of the Delivery Portal is review and feedback. Users can provide Feedback on the Portal content using a simple web-based interface that enables them to highlight and comment on any part of the content. This includes words, phrases, paragraphs, or the whole topic. Finally, when you distribute XML based content using Titania Delivery, a pre-publishing step is not required. You simply upload the XML Source directly and Titania Delivery takes care of the rest.

Primary Concepts

A Project is a container where the content owner places the content they want to distribute. You can think of a Project as a virtual file system containing your files, organized into folders.

Content can be uploaded manually through the administrative web application, automatically via Sync Services, or the Titania Delivery content upload SDK. A Portal's content can be shared through any number of Portals. Projects have access control rules defining the users who have access to various content and delivery management functions within a Portal.

A Portal is a content delivery channel. Think of a Portal like its own website targeted at an individual audience. A Portal can pull its content from one or more Projects and filter that content using Metadata rules.
Portal Themes
A Portal Theme allows you to control every aspect of the appearance of a Portal, from the HTML and CSS of the web pages themselves to the stylesheets used to convert XML content into viewable HTML.
An Organization is a list of users that act as a unit for purposes of content delivery management. An Organization has ownership of its own Projects and Portals, and can also be added to Projects owned by other users or Organizations.
Document Types
A Document Type is a special kind of Project that contains the XML grammar definition files – DTDs and XML Schemas – that are used to parse XML content.
Metadata provides information about the content; think of it as properties you can customize for single or multiple files. These values set on your files can be used in multiple ways to enhance the delivery of your content. See Empowering your Content Delivery with Metadata for additional details.
Titania Sync
Titania Sync ™ is an optional component that can be used to synchronize content from your content management system into Delivery Projects automatically based on life cycle or workflow triggers.

2 The Content Delivery Workflow

When you publish content into Titania Delivery, you place it into Projects, assign Metadata , and then publish the content to one or more Portals. The Portals automatically serve the content from its associated Projects, based on the configured metadata filters. As users interact with the content, feedback and usage metrics are gathered that can be used by authors to improve content.

Information Flow
Storing Content in Projects

A Project is similar to the file system on a computer. You can load files into a Project and organize those files into folders. Any relative paths in your XML content will be resolved using the folder structure of the Project. Projects have a number of additional features to aid in content delivery:

  • Projects include a set of document types to parse and validate the XML files in your Portal.

  • Titania Delivery records the relationships between XML document so that it can understand the implications when files are updated.

  • You can assign Metadata – custom properties – on files stored in a Project to enable dynamic content delivery features.

Delivering Content through Portals

A Portal is the website used to deliver the content stored in Projects to your users. Portals draw content from specific Projects, filtered using Metadata rules. A single Project might be published using multiple Portals, but each Portal might use a different subset of that Project's contents based on the preset Metadata-based filtering.

The look and feel of a Portal is configured using a Portal Theme, which enables you full control over a Portal's appearance. The default Portal Theme is configured with a mobile-first responsive design, so it will function well on virtually any device. The Portal Themes are also easily customized. You can either use the default Theme or you can choose to build a new Portal Theme entirely.

Gathering Metrics and Feedback

Titania Delivery automatically logs access to Portals and records information about each individual visitor. This includes the content they viewed as well as the kind of device they used to view it. These Metrics can be used to drive future decisions of how to structure your content. You can also identify high and low-value content based on how often different topics are viewed. This information can help you decide which topics are most important to your readers, and which topics require more frequent updates.

In addition, each topic in a Portal allows users to specify whether or not that content was useful via a simple up/down vote button. Users can also leave comments on your content, enabling authors to improve it in future revisions.

3 Empowering your Content Delivery with Metadata

Content distributed with Titania Delivery has Metadata associated with it that can be used in various ways to customize information delivery.

Every piece of content stored in a Titania Delivery Project can be tagged with Metadata. Metadata is a way of describing your data, and allows for content to be sorted; by a name and any number of values. For example, you might tag a document with its language and intended audiences. You can also mark content as being in a DRAFT state by setting a Metadata called draft to true.

Metadata can be specified in the following ways:

  • Automatically imported from XML content when it is added to a Project.
  • Manually specified using the administrative application.
  • Specified at the Project level. Project-level Metadata is added to every file in that Project.
  • Derived from DITA maps. Metadata on a DITA map will be added to every topic that is part of the publication described by that map.

Once your content is tagged with Metadata, you can use it to do the followings:

  • Filter the content from a Project available through a Portal.
  • Enable your users to dynamically filter search results using Metadata values.
  • Configure rendering details.
Portal Content Filtering

When you associate a Project with a Portal, by default, all content of that Project becomes available through that Portal. However, you can filter the content for the Portal by assigning Metadata filters.

For example, your implementation has a system managing the documentation for two brands: Acme and Uber. All of the documentation is stored in a single Project, with some content marked brand=acme and some as brand=uber. In addition, you have other topics that apply across brands as brand={acme, uber}. However, each brand can have its own Portal, each pointing to the same single Project, but restricting what's available using Metadata filtering. Refer to the diagram below:\x`:

Search Result Filtering

The Portal administrator can configure Titania Delivery with Metadata types to be used as Search Facets. Users executing searches on a Portal can filter the results using these Metadata values. Titania Delivery also displays the number of results for the current search for each value of filterable Metadata. For example:

Rendering Details

You can configure Portal Themes to use a file's Metadata when displaying it. For example, you might configure the Portal to render content marked with draft=true differently from other files. For example, you might render it with a different color heading, or inserting the word DRAFT into the title, or placing a watermark behind the text, like so:

4 Navigating Portals on Mobile Devices

The default Portal Theme is designed to scale to the small screens associated with many types of mobile devices. .
Header Bar and Menu

Titania Delivery Portals have a header that contains various links. In addition on some pages, web portals also have a search form.

However, on smaller screens, this would take up too much horizontal space. To save that space, HARP moves the links and the header to a menu box once the screen becomes too small.

Table of Contents

When viewing a DITA topic through a Portal, the table of contents for the current publication appears on the left with the current location highlighted.

When viewing on a mobile device, the Table of Contents uses too much space on the smaller screen, so the table of contents is not visible. In this case, a Table of Contents link appears in the header menu allowing you to switch back and forth between the content of the current topic and the table of contents (seen above).

Refining Searches

The Search Results page has a form that enables users to perform another search or to refine the current search using Search Facets


This functionality is only available if Search Facets are configured.

When viewing on a mobile device, this also uses too much space on the smaller screen. Therfore, on the topic viewing page, there is a Refine Search link available on the heading menu that enables users to toggle back and forth between the search results and the search form.