DITA to Eclipse help

The eclipsehelp transformation generates XHTML output, CSS files, and the control files that are needed for Eclipse help.

In addition to the XHTML output and CSS files, this transformation returns the following files, where mapname is the name of the master DITA map.

File name Description
plugin.xml Control file for the Eclipse plug-in
mapname.xml Table of contents
index.xml Index file

RDA> The following paragraph correctly describes the Eclipse Help specialization, but I'm keeping it out until we have more complete documentation. I'd like to get more complete docs on this into an upcoming milestone.

For more complex plug-ins, the plugins directory in the DITA-OT contains an "Eclipse Map" specialization that gives more control over the generated plugin.xml file. The specialization provides additional control over metadata, as well as the ability to reference multiple TOC files, index files, and other Eclipse extensions.

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