DITA OT release 1.5

Release 1.5 is a major release based on the new DITA 1.2 draft standard.

It contains full support for DITA 1.2 draft as defined in the fall of 2009 (prior to public review).

In addition to DITA 1.2 support, release 1.5 contains the following updates, which are available in Milestone 21 or earlier of the DITA-OT test builds:

General Enhancements

  1. New parameter to generate output for only the topics referenced in a map
  2. Use fileparameter in Ant 1.7 to replace processing instruction in intermediate dita files
  3. Determine the version of DITA-OT via the class org.dita.dost.util.Version
  4. Remove duplicate ids in PDF topicmerge
  5. Move Notices before the TOC, suppress in the TOC and suppress the second copy after the TOC
  6. Include @scope="peer" condition when creating rel-links.

SourceForge Enhancements Added

  1. 2859612 Add support for Serbian (Latin)
  2. 2845278 Add Ant parameters for XSLT parameters
  3. 2824371 Support Hindi and Urdu for XHTML output
  4. 2790755 Process in unique temp directories (Designed to allow multiple builds to take place at once)
  5. 2780998 startcmd.sh: Run the user's shell, not sh
  6. 2698921 Add a way to set attributes on <body>
  7. 2120219 Add PDF to the supported image
  8. 2002857 homeID in javahelp .hs file is not set
  9. 1725284 add support for headings for sections within task (XHTML only)
  10. 1623246 Support RFC4646 language tags in Index modules
  11. 1367897 Xref content generation enforces formatting choices
  12. 2882109 Convert named PDF templates to mode template
  13. 2883406 Add extension point for modifying PDF link text
  14. 2882870 Add parameter to control PDF Chapter style
  15. 2882103 Provide hook for specializations to add custom headers
  16. 2882072 Add parameter to control PDF bookmarks (default collapsed)

93 SourceForge Bugs Fixed

  1. 2860433 Keyref on <image> fails to resolve
  2. 2860199 Chunk to-content in submap resulting in missing output
  3. 2860168 Suppress data and data-about in PDF output
  4. 2857167 conrefImpl.xsl has duplicate variable decls
  5. 2856742 Problem of keys attribute in nested topicref elements
  6. 2854546 Peer xref leads to invalid destination error in PDF
  7. 2849200 Style on ditaval prop or revprop is ignored
  8. 2846111 Unnecessary text generated for external xref
  9. 2845598 1.5-M18-demo/fo/Customization pdf.formatter
  10. 2842753 catalog-dita.xml has invalid entries
  11. 2839035 Chunk code cannot parse xref with &
  12. 2832696 Move meta module pushes content into non-DITA file
  13. 2829350 Build_demo.xml places files in incorrect directory
  14. 2826143 Move meta module discards link text
  15. 2824907 1.5 M17 Bug - FileNotFoundException export.xml eclipsehelp
  16. 2819853 missing nested indexterm after 3rd
  17. 2815492 PDF: keep-with-next on shortdesc
  18. 2815485 Prolog indexterm not processed properly for PDF
  19. 2813082 Eclipse help MANIFEST.MF filename wrong case, needs CRLF
  20. 2811980 pdf2: japanese translate for generated page number of a ref
  21. 2811358 Incorrect entry@colname in middle file at PDF generation
  22. 2804442 Bad param name in prereq-fmt template's call to sect-heading
  23. 2799543 Child links in HTML Help output are wrong
  24. 2797030 Chunking fails with bookmap
  25. 2796614 Leading slash breaks PLUGINS_ROOT usage for Eclipse help
  26. 2791696 reltable DITA 1.2 (#12048)
  27. 2791345 Topicmeta searchtitles in map not used in topic
  28. 2791278 Keyref Resolution Fails for Non-Descendant Topics
  29. 2790807 Demo code should use new PDF output
  30. 2788069 Topicmerge does not handle copy-to properly
  31. 2788069 Topicmerge does not handle copy-to properly
  32. 2782503 Extra space before bullet list in xhtml output DITA-OT 1.4.3
  33. 2774128 startcmd.sh is encoded with DOS line endings in v1.5 M13
  34. 2759964 HTML outputs filters conditional topics poorly
  35. 2759964 HTML outputs filters conditional topics poorly
  36. 2748371 Revision + ID gives XSL error
  37. 2739236 plus-allhtml-svgobject handles <alt> badly
  38. 2724090 XHTML: conreffed by-reference footnotes break w/ chunking
  39. 2723928 gen-toc template not matching properly
  40. 2723715 Itemgroup sets @id when element is not open
  41. 2712074 XHTML: chunk=to-content on map breaks by-reference footnotes
  42. 2706725 Single quote inserted in empty table cells in FO
  43. 2696229 FO plugin code incompatible with Saxon 9 (OT1.4.3 default)
  44. 2696191 Java libraries missing from 1.4.3 distributions
  45. 2647292 HTML stylesheets should style <wintitle> and <filepath>
  46. 2629271 maplink: should not modify href if scope=external
  47. 2629256 mapref: should not modify href if scope=external
  48. 2573681 Move link module does extra processing
  49. 2547437 zh_TW.properties and zh_CN.properties contents are mixed up
  50. 2418932 toc attribute does not work for references to ditamaps
  51. 2317681 Extra files generated when many topics are chunked to one
  52. 2317581 inline formatting in shortdesc
  53. 1931457 Need to identify transtype during XHTML output step
  54. 1629094 docbook creates empty simplelists
  55. 1628936 transtype=docbook does not handle publisher and copyright element
  56. 2849078 Problems using keyrefs with DITA OT 1.5 M19 - ID: 2849078
  57. 2875373 tm in linktext is dropped
  58. 2870935 keyref within topics ignore @copy-to attributes
  59. 2873560 SWF flash not defined as resources to be copied
  60. 2872954 Conref push not working at map level
  61. 2871009 Temp directory leaves behind single directory and file
  62. 2866322 Generated links have bad URLs
  63. 2873654 PDF missing rules for new DITA 1.2 content elements
  64. 2872988 Bad relcolwidth crashes PDF output
  65. 2866204 Topicref with keyref fails to produce output
  66. 2878446 Issue with ampersand in xrefs in attributes
  67. 1629096 docbook creates invalid varlistentry
  68. 2871326 Cannot use different TOC titles for same topic in PDF
  69. 1880097 PDF2 ingnores contents of <xref> elements
  70. 1815571 Invalid property in fo:table-body
  71. 2879171 Shortdesc & Abstract formatting is incorrect for PDF
  72. 2882085 Obsolete code in PDF plug-in should be removed
  73. 2661418 make the TOC in pdf2 output link to topics in pdf
  74. 2871017 eclipsehelp plugin.xml invalid in 1.5M20
  75. 2887331 chunk="to-content" on a sub-map causes path error
  76. 2891736 indexterm in topicref level are copied into topic/prolog
  77. 2893316 This is a bug in the integrator.xml
  78. 2893493 ${clean.temp} is not set to true per documentation
  79. 2893664 ampersand entity with conref actions causes build to fail
  80. 2893924 htmlhelp transtype requires video plugin
  81. 1628937 Rename supportingboth.ditaand.xmlinaditamap.dita
  82. 1771123 Inappropriate Message 018 On type= value
  83. 1819660 Eclipse Help issue producing toc file.
  84. 1848313 ditaval file sent to XSLT not URL
  85. 1897542 Chunk to-content may need to rewrite topic IDs
  86. 2875946 PDF: table @pgwide semantics not implemented
  87. 2893745 missing fop's file/directory in standard package
  88. 2900047 map2htmtoc.xsl doesn't allow for extension of root template
  89. 2900417 html transform does not use image/@scale properly
  90. 2906957 Update Eclipse plugin DTDs and packaging
  91. 2796964 Use xml:lang for generated text in PDF
  92. 2860596 PullPrologIndexTerms selection too wide, Removed spurious pullPrologIndexTerms in section/title
  93. 1852733 Image "scale" attribute is ignored

4 SourceForge Patches Added

  1. 2790337 Add extension points to related-links code
  2. 2778178 Flagging code duplicates XSL
  3. 2715750 plus-transtype-htmlhelp: support alternate compilers
  4. 2804311 Feature value trim test bug

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