
The <dita> element provides a top-level container for multiple topics when you create documents using the ditabase document type. The <dita> element lets you create any sequence of concept, task, and reference topics, and the ditabase document type lets you nest these topic types inside each other. The <dita> element has no particular output implications; it simply allows you to create multiple topics of different types at the same level in a single document.



These models represent only the default document types distributed by OASIS. Actual content models will differ with each new document type.
Doctype Content model
ditabase ( topic or concept or task or reference or glossentry or glossgroup) (one or more)

Contained by

This element is not contained by any other elements.


Not a specializable DITA element.


  <concept id="batintro">...</concept>
  <reference id="batparts">...</reference>
  <task id="batfeeding">...</task>
  <task id="battraining">...</task>
  <task id="batcleanup">...</task>


Name Description Data Type Default Value Required?
xml:lang Specifies the language of the element content. The xml:lang attribute and its values are described in the XML Recommendation at http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#sec-lang-tag. language token or the null string #IMPLIED No
xmlns:ditaarch Declares the default DITA namespace. "http://dita.​oasis-open.​org/​architecture/​2005/"
DITAArchVersion Designates the version of the architecture that is in use. The default value will increase with each release of DITA. CDATA "1.2" No
global-atts attribute group (xtrf, xtrc) A set of related attributes, described in global-atts attribute group

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