
Use the <mathmlref> element to reference a non-DITA XML document that contains MathML markup. This element enables you to use the markup by reference.

The reference must be to a MathML <math> element. The reference can be one of the following:

  • A URI that addresses an XML document; the XML document has a MathML <math> element as the root element
  • A URI that addresses an XML document and contains a fragment identifier that is the XML ID of a <math> element within the document

Processors SHOULD process the MathML as though the <m:math> element had occurred directly in the content of the containing <mathml> element.

The reference can be direct, using the @href attribute, or indirect, using the @keyref attribute. For indirect referencing, specify only the key name. Specify the ID of the <mathml> element as part of the value for the @href attribute on the key definition.

For example, to refer to the <math> element with the @id of "equation-02" within a larger document using a key reference, you would define the key in the following way:

You would refer to this key using just the key name:
  <mathmlref keyref="mathml-equation-02"/>

Content models

See appendix for information about this element in OASIS document type shells.


+ topic/xref mathml-d/mathmlref


Here is a reference to a <mathml> element that is the root element of its containing document:

     <mathmlref href="../mathml-source/mathml-root-mathml.mml"/>

The mathml-root-mathml.mml file contains the following content. Note that the <math> element sets the MathML namespace as the default namespace, so there are no namespace prefixes on the MathML markup:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" 
    <mstyle displaystyle="false" scriptlevel="0">
                    <mi mathcolor="gray">sin</mi>
                    <mo rspace="verythinmathspace">⁡</mo>                    

Here is a reference to a specific <math> element in a containing XML file:


The mathml-equation-library.xml file contains the following content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


The following attributes are available on this element: Universal attribute group, @outputclass, and @keyref. This element also uses @href, @scope, and a narrowed definition of @format (given below) from Link relationship attribute group.

Specifies the format (data type) of the referenced resource. For MathML the format should be "mml", which is the default value for @format on this element.

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