DITA Resource Center


The <lcOrganizational> describes an organization's learning requirements.



These models represent only the default document types distributed by OASIS. Actual content models will differ with each new document type.
Doctype Content model
learningPlan ( (title) (optional) then (lcGeneralDescription) (optional) then (lcGoals) (optional) then (lcNeeds) (optional) then (lcValues) (optional) then (lcOrgConstraints) (optional) )

Contained by

Doctype Content model
learningPlan lcNeedsAnalysis


- topic/fig learningBase/fig learningPlan/lcOrganizational


        <lcGeneralDescription>all about the organization.</lcGeneralDescription>
        <lcGoals>the Goals</lcGoals>
        <lcNeeds>the Needs...</lcNeeds>
        <lcValues>the Values...</lcValues>
        <lcOrgConstraints>the Constraints...</lcOrgConstraints>


Name Description Data Type Default Value Required?
display-atts attribute group (scale, frame, expanse) A set of related attributes, described in display-atts attribute group
spectitle The specialized title attribute allows architects of specialized types to define a fixed or default title for a specialized element. Not intended for direct use by authors. CDATA #IMPLIED No
univ-atts attribute group (includes select-atts, id-atts, and localization-atts groups) A set of related attributes, described in univ-atts attribute group
global-atts attribute group (xtrf, xtrc) A set of related attributes, described in global-atts attribute group
class, outputclass Common attributes described in Other common DITA attributes

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