DITA Resource Center


A <note> element contains information that expands on or calls attention to a particular point. This information is typically differentiated from the main text.


Variant types of <note> (tip, caution, danger, restriction, etc.) can be indicated through values selected on the @type attribute. This <note> uses the attribute type="tip"

Content models

See appendix for information about this element in OASIS document type shells.


- topic/note


The following code sample demonstrates the use of a <note> with @type set to "tip".

<note type="tip">Thinking of a seashore, green meadow, or cool
mountain overlook can help you to relax and be more

The sample markup could produce output such as the following:

Tip: Thinking of a seashore, green meadow, or cool mountain overlook can help you to relax and be more patient.


The following attributes are available on this element: Universal attribute group, @outputclass, @spectitle, and the attributes defined below.

Defines the type of a note. For example, if the note is a tip, the word Tip might be used to draw the reader's attention to it. Note that this differs from the @type attribute on many other DITA elements. See The @type attribute for detailed information on supported values and processing implications. Available values are note, tip, fastpath, restriction, important, remember, attention, caution, notice, danger, warning, trouble, other, and -dita-use-​conref-​target.
Indicates an alternate note type, when the type is not available in the @type attribute value list. This value is used as the user-provided note title when the @type attribute value is set to "other".

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